Knowing What to Look for in a Commercial Gate Installation Company

Knowing What to Look for in a Commercial Gate Installation Company

gate installation

Having a gate installed can help give you peace of mind and improve your business operations. That is why the gate opener industry is worth over $2.4 billion.

If you are a property owner considering adding a commercial gate, you need the right gate installation company.

How do you know which company is right for your gate installation? Here are some of the biggest things that you need to look for.


One of the first things you should look for is what type of experience your gate installation company has. Ask about things such as how long the company has been around and how long that particular employee has been installing gates.

This should give you an idea of the things they may have seen while on the job. In theory, if a company and employees have more experience with this, they are more likely to have seen the issues that come with gate installation. As a result, they likely know how to address each of these issues.

If you are dealing with a new company or a new company, you may be more likely to run into someone who does not know how to fix a basic issue. To minimize hassle, you should find a company and/or an employee with several years of experience in this department.


Another thing you need to consider is how much money this gate installation is going to cost. Unless you are someone who has infinite resources, you more than likely will have to stick to a budget for this project.

To do this, you need to do your homework and ask gate installation companies for a quote. This can help give you a ballpark figure of what this is going to cost. If you do not like that quote, feel free to ask a competitor and see if they come up with something better.

Doing your homework here is critical though because it will help provide you with a reasonable expectation for the price. However, you need to walk a fine line when it comes to price.

That is because the cheapest price is not always the best value. There could be companies out there who charge significantly less for a similar installation project. However, those same companies could also be more likely to leave you with additional issues for your gate.

Therefore, it is important to consider the value in this equation. Do not just think about the most affordable gate but also think about what the best return on investment could be for you.


This next point stresses the importance of thinking ahead in case something goes wrong during the installation process. With a warranty, you can have a guarantee that an installation company will come back and fix any issues that you are having with the gate.

Why is this important? Because, if you go with a company that does not provide this and they do a poor job on the installation, you could end up spending even more money to correct that poor work.

With a warranty, a gate installation company gives you a certain grace period to fix any issues with your gate free of charge. This can be anything from several months to several years.

Look into what a reasonable expectation for this is and what companies are willing to give you something like this. It could end up saving you a big headache in the future.

Ask Around

Are you still having trouble finding a company that stands out after asking about the above? If so, something you should consider is asking your friends and family for any recommendations.

These tend to be people who you trust the most. Also, they are likely to be people whose opinions you respect if you are asking them in the first place.

Because of these aspects, you are more likely to go with a recommendation that comes from a friend or family member. About 88% of people place the highest level of trust in a brand recommended by a friend or family member.

With that in mind, you should get steered in a certain direction if you decide to go this route.

Read Online Reviews

You could be someone who does not have a friend or family member who knows about gate installation. If you find yourself in that position, there is another way to get opinions from other peers.

The way to do this is to look for online reviews about gate installation companies. That should give you an idea of past experiences customers have had with this company.

If there is something that stands out positively or negatively about this company, multiple customers will likely mention it in their reviews.

You can also take a closer look at what their online review rating is. Considering most companies leave you the option to rate them between one and five stars, having a company that averages closer to five stars should be a good sign. This is especially the case if the company has been reviewed by thousands of customers.

Read these reviews and the ratings that each company has to make the best decision for yourself.

Shop Around

Finally, do not feel pressured to automatically sign up with the first company you talk to. To get the best value and best experience possible, it is important to keep an open mind. Therefore, you should review as many options as possible before making a final decision about this.

Get the Proper Gate Installation

These are things that you should look for in a gate installation company. Make sure that they have adequate experience and that you explore all of your options before making a final decision.

It may be tempting to go with the cheapest company available. However, make sure you consider what value you are getting for the price. That is why it is important to look for things such as a possible warranty and reviews from other customers.

Do you want the best gate installation possible? Have Automated Gate Services help you today.

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